Beat the box

Teams need to decipher the secret code before the timer stops.

Amount of people: 10 to 500
Timing: Maximum 1h30
Location: In your buildings or a location of your choice
Game Play

Every team is given a locked aluminium trunk. A mysterious video takes the players on an adventure. With the information from the video, the teams should be able to open the trunk. Inside, there are four more locked boxes, full of puzzles and riddles to decipher. By working together and sharing information, the participants will be able to bring the game to a successful conclusion. Teamwork is essential.

The end:

In the last box, the participants will find some letters. By putting them in the right order, they will be able to form a slogan. They then need to use the slogan to stop the countdown clock.

Collaboration: uniting teams
Cross functional: co-operation
Brainstorming technique: reflection & action
Communication strategy
Learning & development: entertraining
Exploring excellence
Practical leadership/entrepreneurship
Dinner event
Challenging: competition
Negotiating skills
In your office, in ours or online?
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