The Hague

Hollandse Hoogte / ANP

Great city close to home

O, O, Den Haag, mooie stad achter de duinen” (“Oh, oh, The Hague, beautiful city behind the dunes”). This city has its own anthem, which every resident proudly sings along with. The Hague is a city that has a lot to offer: a welcoming city centre, museums and a beach nearby. This city provides a great mix, close to home.

The Netherlands is a cycling country par excellence, so it’s no wonder that a bicycle tour in The Hague makes for an excellent experience. The city is one of the greenest and most compact cities, encircled by dunes, fields and the sea. This ensures a wonderful bike ride with a variety of stops along the way. Incidentally, did you know that The Hague is home to the Dutch royal family? Whether you’ll come across them while cycling is another thing, but it’s certainly a fun fact to take with you.

Museums in abundance

The city is a cultural treasure trove with lots of gems to discover. There is a wealth of museums to visit and something for everyone. The popular Museum Voorlinden is also located in the vicinity of The Hague. Many will have seen its lifelike wax statues appearing on social media. For those who want to organise something later in the year, the Dutch Design Week takes place in October. Throughout the city people can soak up culture and enjoy various surprising spots.

The Hague is the city with the most beach in the Netherlands. The beautiful North Sea beach stretches from Kijkduin to Scheveningen. There is always something to do on this miles-long coast. From beach activities such as sand yachting, to getting out to sea with a powerboat, controlling a power kite or having an initiation to surfing. More than enough possibilities for active souls.

The Hague, a city close to home with a great mix for a unique incentive:

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