National lottery. Night of luck 2024

On 3 October 2024, we organised the Night of Luck, this time marking the 90th anniversary of the National Lottery, at the Royal Museum of Art & History in Brussels. Guests were guided through the museum via a carefully designed route, passing impressive video installations that highlighted the rich heritage of the National Lottery in the fields of sport, culture, and society.

The highlight of the evening was the gala dinner in the impressive Great Narthex, where we ensured a smooth flow of various performances and the presentation of three Fortuna Awards. These prestigious awards were given to organisations and projects that perfectly align with one of the core values of the National Lottery: making a difference in our society.

The dinner was atmospherically opened by the touching children’s choir of the Flagey Academy, followed by a powerful drum solo by Lander Gyselinck, which introduced the speech by Jannie Haek. The evening was concluded with a spectacular performance by the Amoukanama Circus, which captivated the guests with a unique mix of European and African acrobatics.